26 February 2009

rural tendancies

i am increasingly aware of the fact that the older i get, the more like my grandmother i wanna be. for the fact the more like my great-grand, my mom, my great-aunt..... all of them are crafty/folky in the kitchen,garden or the sewing room. i never learned to sew BUT i have learned alot of things through JUST DOIN. i guess it's the knowledge that handed down through the blood. if i put my mind to it, i KNOW i could sew. i started a patchwork once, last year and i kid you not i sat down and when i got up, i was like " how did i do that? " , " did i do that?"
it's almost like i go to this place in my mind and they are there, and if i focus really hard they show me what to do through the work.
weird huh.
i am the weird one.

17 February 2009

just saw this at lunch

why is this cotton in a shadowbox on the wall of lake merritt bakery
in Oakland?