20 December 2006

odd man out

the fourth story, the odd man out is about to get re-scripted.
need new context for the werewolf tale.

i think i'll take it out of africa.... bring it down south. where i can fix all the problems i see with it now. we'll see what happens when i add the bird clan..... i'm tired of vampires fighting werewolves. we need a third party to step in.

lemme check this mvscogee/creek legend before i go any further.......

18 December 2006

excerpt from Bottletree Diaries anthology

from Nightingale

Although there was a hell of a lot more money to be made working weekends in the coroner's office, Josephine couldn't bring herself to leave the all-glamorous world of bartending. Ok, so all her friends worked during the day, that is, the ones who counted did. They always seemed to call the minute she would be leaving to go to work, with some invitation to some fabulous party uptown that would be supposedly crawling with freaks. rat bastards. all of them. fine. i didn't really want to go anyway.

Being there allowed her the illusion of going out and partying all night. Well, sort of. Working in an establishment that catered to the trendy, money-hungry, banal inhabitants of the city, was foreign to her. It was plastic. It lacked the dirt, grit and substance of reality found in the places that she frequented.

A guy in a purple colored oxford takes a seat next to her on the train, immediately showing his absolute discourtesy for everyone, including the sleeping baby to his right, by making a couple of calls on his cellular phone. look at me. can i be any more obnoxious ?

They come into the bar ordering drinks like cosmos, orgasms and belladonnas. will someone, for once, order a rum & coke or even grapefruit juice & vodka? if someone asks for a Guinness, i’ll be shocked. The other thing this locale gave her was anonymity. The fact that she was not associated with these people in any way, made it much easier to listen to their silly rumors and nonsense that breed at barstands. Josie had the privilege to sit back and watch the habits of this peculiar subculture. It was safe.....It was normal.
The only familiar she had in the club was Martin. He was one of the three doormen, who also worked at the trance club near her house. They spoke throughout the night through a system of looks and hand signals that would impress even a deaf person. It was almost the only real conversation she had all night. She always setup the bar with her walkman on loud trying to mask the irritating pop music that the dj would play just before opening.

And so it begins.

It's a meat market frenzy. Women ogling over way too eager guys for free drinks, companionship or just a little non-obligatory attention. The guys on the other hand, are looking to score. Don't they see it in the dark pupils of their bloodshot eyes? you buy that girl one more drink and she just might puke all over you and your eighty dollar shirt.

She glimpses him in the mirror behind the bar.

now what's a nice dark boy like that doing in this zoo? must be lost. maybe he will realize it. new to town, must be.

An hour passes. The stranger never shows up at the bar.

so much for being cordial, she thought. Standard policy is, you see a freak like yourself and acknowledge them in some sort of fashion. Particularly in places where you are the minority. comradery it's called..

It's been an hour since she'd seen him float through the crowd of shiny happy people dressed in a greyish black fitted shirt , leather pants, covered with a black woolen coat. Reaching into the ice bin, she glances a dark figure approaching the bar on her side. Trey, the other bartender walks over to him to help him. The man declines with a mere nod. Josie continues with her drink order trying incessantly not to stare in his direction. too late. As soon as he thought she was going to look up, he set his stare in such as way that she would have to catch his eye, whether she wanted to or not. And they did. She felt strange, as if he looked right through her. As if he could see times, like when, she and her friend Tiff would practice making out with each other at sleepovers. Or when she stole candy bars from the newsstand at the airport.

Before she had a chance to look away, some bimbo clear on the other side of the bar is waving her arms at her annoyingly. Watching her walk away, he notices a slight limp in her step. He wonders if it could be the boots. Knee high, buckles up the front, platforms? Probably a very real symptom of running around serving these overgrown lab rats.

Josie, a slight of a woman, had, an incredibly large aura. Hair the color and density of night with crimson highlights. Yes, dark. Yes, mysterious. Yes, intriguing, he thought.

She poured the icy blue liquid into a tall,slender frosted glass. She allows her eye to wander back over to the stranger. He looks rather amused by his surroundings although, never quite notices the women behind him stunned by his everything. Finishing up her drink, she makes her way back, grabs a drink card.

"Far from home aren't you?"

He grins. "Like you're all tucked into bed here."

She smiles back, slamming a giant shot glass onto the top of the
bar. Ignoring the guy to her left screaming something about a vodka martini, she grabs a bottle from under the bar. Looking towards him for some sign of approval. He nods. She pours. Returning to him with a metal shaker, she pours the red liquor into the glass before him. He looks as if to ask her what damage he may be about to inflict upon himself. She turns the drink card over, circling the last listing:

Josie's Special - Dragon's Blood

He nods emphatically, taking the entire shot in one gulp. The stranger's green eyes glaze over instantly. She wanders off behind the bar.

In the two years she has worked here, she never peeped a single person as he. He was just that kind of dark that almost blends into the background without standing out too much but, in the same instance always stands out. Very subtle in his darkness. She was kind of excited. feverish. time for a cigarette. He sees her reach for her pack of cigarettes. He then takes his hand into his coat pocket to find a heavy pewter lighter with a red dragon monogrammed on the back. He looks down and smiles.

The sticky, hot film attached to her skin begins to disappear as she gets closer to the rear exit. The cool air dances over her body as she stands at the doorway of the deck.

"I followed you . I was on the train with you." he confessed.


"You were wondering how I got here. Or even why I am still here."

Looking perplexed a bit, Josie responds without thought, "Was I? What if I was just wondering who the freak in the overcoat was? "
"And if you were just remember birds of a feather... "

Josie takes a long drag off her cigarette perched between her lips, thinking of what to say to the man. He makes her eyes dart. That hadn't happened in a long while now. wow. The conversation went on a little longer than expected and Josie found herself having to return to the bar in quite a hurry.

Soon as her shift was over, she slipped out of the club without seeing even Martin.

.... end of excerpt

16 December 2006

day six: taking yule back

so, it's day six and here's new information i have learned with my quest of taking back yule from the masses of gentiles and wanna bees.
dogs, specially little lap dogs don't what to do when they see the shadow of me coming. very funny. and little dogs sitting inside cars that look like miniature red foxes just bark like all get down when they see me.
litle kids..... 50% are scared ... YAYYYYYYYYYYYY ! and the others are facinated and wanna talk to me.
people in general are strange, some just get a great laugh and that's good, some don't know what to do so they stare...like i don't know i have antlers attached to my head .....and some get so caught of guard they crack up. the last bit of 'em wanna wish me merry christmas and all or say how i'm all ready for christmas and such. there's where i draw the line and throw the gaunlet down. " i don't celebrate christmas. "

if i really wanted to go there i could change my line to:
" i don't celebrate the fraud that is christmas "

...oooooh i like that. it'll get'em thinking.
so far, i haven't tired of wearing them BUT, i am starting to get a headache from wearing them. although i'm toying witht the idea of wearing them the first week of school next quarter.... my students already think i'm a raver ( HOW LITTLE attention they pay ) with the pieces of antler ripped off and a jack daniels bottle hanging on the horn.

11 December 2006

taking back yule for all my pagan friends

email post

so i decided to spice up my dreadful holiday ritual of grading numerous projects before i leave to go down south by
'going christmas'. yesterday before going to a holiday party i'd walked into walgreens for the purpose of buying some of
those OBNOXIOUS headband with reindeer antlers. and i got some. no, not just some but the ones with the ribbon on 'em
and the blinking lights. when i got to the party yesterday me and my other reindeers friends did a little duel and it was then i
realized that these can come in very handy if you're having a pissed off day. so this morning before leaving work i put the antlers
in my bag thinking that they might just come in handy this last week of school at some point in the day. and by god they did....
before leaving work to go to our holiday party i put them on and all my student drama melted away.
interesting thing i noticed :
when people see you the do weird things like smile at you and their all nice. would they if i didn't have the rudolph thing goin on?
( ps. when people assume i'm rudolph i tell them no, blintzen here. )
and when you look at my shadow it looks like a cross between medusa and the green man. it's kinna cool. i think the dreadlocks
make the silhouette look more zoomorphic.
maybe tommorrow i will take a foto.

07 December 2006

i put a spell on you

I put a spell on you
Because you're mine

Stop the things you do
WHOAHUH - what's up?
I ain't lyin'
Yeaaah, I can't stand - HOO!
No runnin' around
I can't stand
No put me down
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
WHOAHAA - yeah!

[saxophone solo]

Stop the things you do
WHOAHUH - what's up?
I ain't lyin'
AAHH!! AAH! I love you
I love you
I love you anyhow
I don't care if you don't want me
I'm yours right now
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine, mine

05 December 2006

first christian rockers then christian rappers NOW christian goths.....

- email post -

now, does this make any sense???????????????

" I am Octuber. I live out in the midle of nowhere on a farm. My favorite books are the series by Stephine Meyer and Lynn Ewing. I am a christian goth. I am active in sports and school work. I live with my parents and younger sister. "
what the fuck is a christian GOTH ??????????????!!!
i have no words.

some people are just bored in their lives.
christian goth.

- n g a t i -

03 December 2006

pride and prejudice

going down south for christmas....
can't wait to piss off all my ultra-christian relatives and their friends. it never fails that someone will ask me, "where do you worship" and my only reply is "what? i don't go to church." and i wait for a comeback from them. usually i don't get one but once in a while somebody's fool enough to ask me why AND I LET'EM HAVE IT. it's sooooooooooooooooo much fun.
how is it christians are harder to offend than pagans???