After you read the interview, go check out my sisterkin Priestess Diamyn and her new blog Bruja On A Budget
Craftname: Priestess Diamyñ
1. Where were you born?
I was born in Hawaiian Gardens, CA and raised in Long beach, CA.
2. Did you grow up in a religious setting? Or how does your family background affect your relationship to the craft?
I grew up surrounded by alot of Catholic influences. My maternal grandmother was always worshipping the Santos. My paternal grandmother was also heavy into los Santos, she had an altar for Virgen de la Divina Providencia. With cups of water and flowers. The whole old school espiritismo.
3. At what age did you start to feel pull to be informed of esoteric things? What was your response to that?
a very young age, like 5, I can remember me and some friends that lived
on my block building a teepee made out of towels and sticks. In the
teepee we created a club. I would collect rocks and sticks and we would
pretend to make magic. Lol I was always more interested in nature, rocks
and flowers than Barbie dolls. I knew I was supposed to be on this
4. What was the first book about Magic you ever read.
The first book I ever read was pretty recent in 2009 after I had my first son, it's called Sea El Santisimo by Mario Dos Ventos. I wanted to stay true to my roots and stick with espiritismo literature.
5. Did you ever play with a Ouija Board?
had many family members who were practicing not too many friends
though. So far all the witches besides family I've met are through the
internet. It's hard to find a genuine Bruja of color.
7. What's your favorite divination tool?
favorite would be los cocos, it's a flat circle that we carve from a
fresh coconut. Their only used for to consult with ones ancestors, or
Papa Legba, Eleguá for
example. Their used to make sure that their happy and that our
offerings are accepted. Etc. I like the fact that we make them and they
are not bought , it feels more connected. I received my first set from
my padrinos. They are not used for clientele readings.
8. What's your favorite magical accessory?
10. What is your advice to seekers of this path?
11. What are you currently reading?
12. Which deities or goddess powers do you align with?
My paternal grandmother always said my color was yellow. I look best in yellow etc. I feel aligned with Mi Bella Yalorde ( Ochun )
13. If you could harness the power of one force of nature, what would it be? And why?
I love my selenite, and use anise alot when I work. Anise is one my favorite plants.
9. How did you learn your craft?
As I
grew older I just started acquiring more information. I started asking
my grandmother to teach me her ways and asked about our family history.
When I found out that my great grandmother was a curandera/shaman, and
she passed on gifts to my maternal grandmother and aunts. It just
inspired me to learn. Then I learned more In 2015 when I started
practicing under my madrina and padrino of los sance. And I'm still
advice would be to look within, start connecting to your roots whatever
that is. Because I've found that if you have a inkling of itch for this
path that you have a ancestor guiding you. You had someone in your
family who practiced and is reaching out to you.
11. What are you currently reading?
actually creating my own book. Lol. I'm collecting all the knowledge
I've obtained and making the ultimate book of shadows. I plan on
releasing it once finished.
12. Which deities or goddess powers do you align with?
My paternal grandmother always said my color was yellow. I look best in yellow etc. I feel aligned with Mi Bella Yalorde ( Ochun )
13. If you could harness the power of one force of nature, what would it be? And why?
would harness the power of the dark matter in the universe. Because
it's infinite and so vast and has so many mysteries. I could probably
build me a black hole.