23 March 2021


- - Petition of William H. Gilpin / Fugitive Slave Petition Book - -
When I find delicious tibits of info like this I wish I had a button and I just send this directly to these folks' descendants. I don't care what kind of family you come from, if you know them or if you don't , without our ancestors and their guidance we really can't be doing justice to our lives. Genealogy isn't just about finding them, it's finding yourself as well. THIS IS WHERE ANCESTOR VENERATION MUST BEGIN. Get you a subscription to Ancestry or HeritageQuest or even go to GenWeb (free ), find somebody to help you do the work and HEAL your lineage. It is possible. Why you think the LDS Churchfolk doing it?
1860 Census, Cecil County, Maryland for Henry Hawkins b. 1830
1870 Census, Cecil County, Maryland for Jno. Henry Hawkins b. 1830