07 December 2009

My own bottle spells

( check'em out the bottle spells on etsy)

A common practice among Southern rootworkers is the use of bottle spells. Incantations, spells, notes and sometimes prayers are written on a piece of paper, which is folded numerous times and then placed into a bottle containing spell matter. This spell matter can be anything that is associated with the spell such as, bay leaf from prosperity, roses for love or nails for protection and so on. The bottle is sealed and then thrown into a body of water, buried or hung from a tree. This casts your spell out into the world giving it power.

Need some juju for Prosperity? Got some of that too.


Mona Madry said...

can i commission you to take photos for me as well? these look amazing

thedarkcyde said...

if i didn't have tae's camera i would be shit outta luck.