28 January 2010

A Basic Everyday Jack

from "Negro Myths" ( Boston, Houghton,Mifflin & Co. , 1888, p. 125 ) Col. C.C. Jones

27 January 2010

Neighboring Gods - Ka Wahine 'o Pele

ASSOCIATED PRESS At Kauai's Limahuli Garden, a blossom of an ohia lehua tree soaks in the sunshine. (Honolulu Star-Bulletin )
So... Down the street from me lives Pele. Yes, the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess who was chased from Kahiki ( Tahiti ) by her older sister Namakaokaha'i for taking her husband. The deity that fell into a jealous rage when she sent her youngest sister Hi'iakaikapoliopele to rescue her lover Lohiau and found they had fallen in love. Pele errupts covering the land with lava and out of the ash a 'Ohia Lehua tree grows. This tree is the kinolau (physical embodiment) of Ku ( one of the three major Gods of Hawai'i) but still associated with Pele. Everytime I pass this tree I look into, say "aloha e ka wahine" and I think of how special it is that this tree is on my block. This tree lives ALL over the mountainous regions of the island of Hawai'i yet, I have Madame Pele as a neighbor in Oakland!

( Pictured clockwise (l to r) is the lehua tree on my street

Recently I have felt detached from my hula practice and wondered if I would see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. And the other day I walked by the lehua tree on my block.... I feel it coming back. This is a good sign. 

here's the same tree a couple months ago in THIS post of mine where i found a cute mirrored dresser tray. too bad it was gone when i went back to get it ! 

26 January 2010

Dream Juju

So my friend asked me to make her juju so that she'd be able to have nightmares/dreams again. Yes, I know some people frown on having nightmares..we don't. She's been having a problem with this since a long ago break-up with a guy we refer to as " he-who-must-not-be-named". What I made her was a bedside candle altar with a metal dreamcatcher fitted to the cap. It is to be placed in a corner, lit before going to bed with the hopes that the dreams will find her.

Here's the prototype:

 Materials : Coffee, Lichen, Paper Lantern, Skull beads, Abalone

The final product: Her dream juju I named Basheva. It was named for a 21st Century Yiddish writer, Issac Bashevis Singer who believed that demons are merely mysterious creations by God, neither good nor evil.

Materials : Coffee, Lichen, Recycled Seedling Pot ( for votive), Skull beads, Opihi Shell Necklace,


21 January 2010

Ultra Sheen Spell

thanks jason for letting me re-post your blog entry!!!

OK so I sometimes tell this story of a healing spell that I once did years ago involving the use of the hair grease Ultra Sheen. It usually makes people giggle a bit, but I did perform a successful spell using it so I thought that I might share. I once worked at a soup kitchen after school for about four years. There, I met a fellow occultist who had emphysema and who was in a lot of pain. We decided to do trade spell on each other because she felt strange not doing a spell in return. She mostly wanted me to help take the pain away and I agreed to try. At the time I was in high school with very little money and resources. So I went home that night in order to see what I could do. I decided to work with the Archangel Raphael. I was heavily into angel magic at the time and Raphael happens to be my confirmation name. According to the correspondences that I read he was often associated with the color yellow. So I went around the house looking for yellow things. I found a candle, thick yellow construction paper, and a long yellow ribbon. Indeed the elements were definitely coming together for my spell. Unfortunately, I had very few herbs in the house. I did manage to find some crushed bay leaves and I thought that that would work. They are good at getting rid of undesirable things, as well as being associated with healing in many traditions. However, because the were broken up and the waxy nature of the paper, I was having a hard time with the herbs because they kept falling all over the place. I was very frustrated because previously I was on a roll and was "feeling the spirit," as some would say. I was thinking of just scrapping the spell altogether but I made a quick prayer for inspiration. Sure enough, inspiration struck. Sitting over on the shelf in front of me was a small yellow bottle of Ultra Sheen, the hair grease. I looked at it and said to myself, well......it is the right color and it does say that it had vitamins in it, what the hell. I had solved my problem! So I was then ready to begin. After cleansing the area that I was working in, I lit my candle and said something to the effect of, "I call you Archangel Raphael, angel of healing and I offer this candle and it's light to you; please be with me as I perform this spell." I then waited to feel some kind of a presence in the room and I explained what the situation was. I took up the name paper that I made with the waxy yellow construction paper and smeared on the mixture of Bay Leaf and Ultra Sheen. As I did this I imagined her beaming with vibrant healing energy pouring out from her very soul. Then I took the ribbon and slowly wrapped up the name paper like a bandage. As I did this, I recited a particular chant that I got from a Wiccan spell book which is as follows:

"I wrap thee in cotton
I bind thee with love
Protection from pain
Surrounds like a glove
May the brightest of blessings
be with thee tonight
For thou art cared for
Healing thoughts sent in flight"

When I was done I set the packet down in front of the offering candle and let it burn out. The next day I found the woman outside of the church, smoking like a chimney as usual. I was actually quite proud of myself for being so resourceful being the young magician that I was (and still am by the way, lol). I told her that I performed the spell and she wanted to know the details. Being the staunch traditionalist that she was, she let out a deep, husky, and slightly condescending laugh at the young cheeky newbie. I'll admit that it did hurt my feelings at the time but what soothed me were the results.For about six weeks she did not feel any pain whatsoever. Before the spell, she needed to take a pain killer at least twice a day. Unfortunately she did not wish to stop smoking, nor was she ever really willing to, so the spell did not last and eventually her condition got worse. She stopped going to the soup kitchen shortly after so I didn't really see her anymore. I used to think of the spell as a waste of my time, and in some ways it was, but looking back at it now I now know that it it taught me some very important lessons about magic and about life in general. The first lesson is that one cannot help anyone if they are truly not willing to do anything about the root of the problem. Speaking of the root of the problem, that is what the second lesson was. You must attack the cause of the problem, not the symptom. If she was willing, I should have done a spell in order to help her stop smoking first. And finally the last lesson was: if inspiration strikes, go with it, even if it seems silly at the time. I must admit I still feel a little odd about telling the story but it was an important part of my magical schooling and I thought that some people may enjoy it or get something out of it. So there you have it, the magical lessons of Ultra Sheen. Perhaps I should write them a thank you letter or something, lol!

you can read more from jason here.

15 January 2010

The magic of a good read

I'm just about ready to re-read for the 8th time. Thank you Charles de Lint for this great treasure!

11 January 2010

New Product : Spirit Wash - for purification

 Water baptisms are well known throughout the Southeastern United States. All denominations of people used the rivers, lakes and the sea to cleanse their spirits. In large groups or in private, washing away negative energies routinely keeps your psyche clean. 
“ Goin to water “ is a popular term for this act.

These washes contain three popular spiritual antiseptics: spearmint,lavender & pine.
Each package contains two baths. Pour two or three tablespoons into a hot,steaming bath and wash you spirit clean. For best results, give the bath time to steep.

As you bathe meditate on letting go of negativity or things that may be blocking your path. Relax.

10 January 2010

The Ancient Art of Reading Coffee Cups

 excerpt from Fortune In A Cup :
 Coffee Readings are psychic readings done by using a cup of coffee as though it's a crystal ball. Ground Turkish coffee is mostly used when cup readings are done. The residue is left at the bottom of the cup after the coffee is drunk, when the cup is then covered with a saucer, shaken, and turned over (up side down) into the saucer, and left to dry.
The patterns formed on the inside of the cup trigger psychic insight; and are interpreted according to what they mean to the seer. Once you allow the information to flow intuitively, and with little training you can soon be well on your way to reading your own cup. There are others who read filter coffee, and instant coffee too - much like crystal ball, or water cup scrying. (In fact, you can pretty much read anything- cloud formation, carpet patterns, or rabbit bones- as they do in Africa).
It is important to mention here, for the reading to be meaningful, or indeed accurate; you are to sip or drink the coffee while relaxing, sort of in a contemplative mode. My experience showed me that the intention or the emotional and mental condition of the drinker affects how, and what symbols the coffee grains shape- your vibes at the time.

If a coffee cup that is drunk in a hurry, without the intention of having it read, or while not in a relaxed state, it can't be read. The grains do not appear to form any meaningful patterns- merely chaotic brown dots or mud in a cup! This is probably true for any form of divination, if you focus or intention is not present, the medium used will not provide a useful insight into the future.

Interpreting Coffee Symbols
Rings: A deal completed, a proposal, and engagement.
Circles with a dot inside: Desire for children will be fulfilled.
Fire Works: Quarrels, unpleasant personal problems.
Squares: New home.
Lines: Journey, a project. If lines are clear, they will go smoothly.
Candle: A wish fulfilled, help from above. Fulfil your promise.
Mounted horseman: A new man, good news, engagement.
Cat:   Moody person (white is good, black, be weary).
Cross: Victory over an ordeal.
Ladder: Social advancement, promotion, change.
Open window: Lucky Break.
Fire: Careful of electrical wiring.
Peacock: Splendour, luxury, something you will be proud of.
Butterfly: Flirting.
Fish: Money- specific sum- depending on size of fish!
Bird: Good piece of news.
Rat: Robbery, theft. (If there is a dot inside, stolen item will be returned.)


08 January 2010

My IMovie Journal

(* Warning: Video contains musical accompaniment. Is best viewed WHEN background music is paused. See MUSIQUE bar at lower right-hand corner of this page to stop background music or it will play forever.... *)


So, yea I've ended and started the new year posting food.
Been thinking on alot of things concerning food around this new year. while everyone says the same every new year about eating , right, and healthy and being green ( a locavore, carnivore, herbivore...choose your vore )& all the other bullshit we tell ourselves, as a person of indigenous ancestry i'm trying to eat more like my parents, grandparents, ggrands, gggrands and so forth ate. i like simple homefood. simple. YET most of it is just simple on the front end. all these delicious stuffs i am nostalgic for takes hella preparations. there is no short cut to any of it, unless you want it to taste that way.
Going through food issues like this can only be worked out by posting my favorite dishes of all time. woo hoo!
( Picture courtesy of www.boondockers-used-sports.com )

( Picture courtesy of www.thefruitofherhandstudio.blogspot.com )

real hoe cakes


pancakes masquerading as hoe cakes

don't let the small distinction fool ya. Hoe cakes are more cornmeal and less fried than pancakes or frybread. hoecakes are made with white corn meal not yellow. there are hotcakes that are made with yellow corn meal and no flour...
frybread is a whole 'nother story. yellow corn meal, fried til it's dead on the outside. pretty much.

( Picture courtesy of www.veganmenu.blogspot.com )

(Picture courtesy of www.fredericknewspost.com)