ASSOCIATED PRESS At Kauai's Limahuli Garden, a blossom of an ohia lehua tree soaks in the sunshine. (Honolulu Star-Bulletin )
So... Down the street from me lives Pele. Yes, the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess who was chased from Kahiki ( Tahiti ) by her older sister Namakaokaha'i for taking her husband. The deity that fell into a jealous rage when she sent her youngest sister Hi'iakaikapoliopele to rescue her lover Lohiau and found they had fallen in love. Pele errupts covering the land with lava and out of the ash a 'Ohia Lehua tree grows. This tree is the kinolau (physical embodiment) of Ku ( one of the three major Gods of Hawai'i) but still associated with Pele. Everytime I pass this tree I look into, say "aloha e ka wahine" and I think of how special it is that this tree is on my block. This tree lives ALL over the mountainous regions of the island of Hawai'i yet, I have Madame Pele as a neighbor in Oakland!
( Pictured clockwise (l to r) is the lehua tree on my street )
Recently I have felt detached from my hula practice and wondered if I would see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. And the other day I walked by the lehua tree on my block.... I feel it coming back. This is a good sign.
here's the same tree a couple months ago in THIS post of mine where i found a cute mirrored dresser tray. too bad it was gone when i went back to get it !

nau Luana .... xoxoxoxoxo
e Pana'ewa moku lehua nui
mai alai i ke ala o ke kamahele
hele ke aloha, hele pu no me ka makani
makani Kaululehua o Pana'ewa
mai ewa ewa i ka huaka'i hele o hewa auane'i
o ke aloha ka mea waiwai o ka hale kipa a ka makamaka
he makamaka no keia, a o ka hea mai ka pono
e Pana'ewa e , no'u kekahi wahi aloha
ho mai ho'i i alanui i ho'ea aku ai i Hilo-Hanakahi!
A he leo wale no e
if you do not know what this means then you certainly should not use it. thanks.
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