22 March 2007

dreaming in technicolor

i have a very weird problem.
i live on two different planes and when they collide it's bad. just they other day i woke up having this inclination to buy a gift for a friend. i didn't know what but i was thinking (dreamin) about where i was going to go shopping for it and i was all excited. it was a korean market that had a of these great housewares, teapots, stone pots , herbs, chopsticks, mortar & pestles, hardware, etc... and the vibe of the place i remember being awesome. so like i said i was REALLY excited to go out shopping. while i was in the shower i came to the startling realization as i was remembering driving directions from my house. this place was not real. well, not in this plane. i was maneuvering around places in my dreams. this place is a very real place in my dreams. but not here. i know how to get to it there.

that is a very weird confession i just made.
i'm a weirdo though so i guess it's normal

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