01 November 2009

Why I hate being sick

OK, other than the runny nose, fatigue and sinus headaches that come every year with the winter, i really hate that it takes me forEVER to get my self together enough to remember, consult my dad and come up with the home remedy that works for me. I'm a water child, so I like any remedy having to do with water. If I can drink it away WOOHOO. If I can bathe it away WOOHOO. Tea & a Bath. That's me! I just prepared a sinus-go-away bath maybe you'd like to try:

A handful of Sea Salt
20 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
A handful of Spearmint Leaves
A dash of Spearmint infused alcohol

Draw a HOT bath. ( by the time you're done it'll have cooled down)
Crush the sea salt ( mortar & pestle is the best method OR use your hands ), add 20 drops of peppermint essential oil & spearmint. Mix until dry. Add a dash of the alcohol and pour out into cheesecloth. Wrap and tie. Place in tub. Let soak for ten minutes before entering tub.
Hang out and enjoy the smells.

now to my tub...

post tub script:
when you're just about done in the tub, take the bath mixture and use it as a compress. apply directly to the forehead & temples. headache. gone! well, mine is!

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