15 November 2006

The new year is upon us

now i'm back. the past couple days have been busy with much work. a friend asked me a couple of days ago if she could interview me for a paper she was writing about the new year rites and rituals of modern-day pagan. as a solitary witch there's lots of thngs i do that not all pagans do at the beginning of the new year BUT most of everything we do is the same. she is also solitary so she was wanting content about how i celebrate yule.
every year i SAY i'm going to take the plunge into cold ass pacific ocean but i never do. i'm from miami.... if the water ain't as warm i don't want it. shit, i'll take a nice slimy bottom alabama lake over a cold ocean. but that is part of one the rituals i do for the coming year.
this weekend i'm do a ritual up in antioch which why i've been away from the computer.
whooo hoo
sunrise saturday here i come. coming to greet you monsieur soleil

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